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    • Luriant
    • Luriant
      I discover the end of Basilisk 1 month ago, and returned to SWGEmu.... and great, until I hit the grind wall and limits, And remember why I choosed Tarkin Returned to Tarkin... and my PC have MBrawler, TKM, Master Swordsman, near Master Fencer (and the normal entertaiment)..... but my UI only have a bunch of 2H hits, and I remember killing easy enemies around coronet, not this endgame pure combat build... The rest of my PC is correct, with 2 mounts (Dewback and Bantha) obtained during the Snackcrawler event, last time I played. At least, I don't lack this pets... Im in another game (Elite Dangerous), but take some breaks here for the planets, fixing my builds, and planning my next steps. Any info about this strange bug? I will remove some skills, but don't know if leave 2H and the weapons I already own, or TKM.
    • xinix
      Discord Nickname: xinix#6862 Forum Nickname: xinix Info: a little bit of everything and looking for a group Timezone: CST (GMT-6) Characters xinix (Bounty Hunter) 4x4x, (Pistoleer) 3x43 vivix (Master Swordsman), (Medic) 2x4x, (Master Brawler) Bobby Biggs, Master Architect, Master Chef Laylax, crafter Ico, crafter
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